"Had a great visit with students at Leetonia HS to discuss the importance of saving and investing! They are participating in @SIFMAFoundation 2022 #stockmarketgame#capitolhillchallenge"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Bill Johnson:
"A big loss for Jefferson Co with the sad news that Sheriff Fred Abdalla passed away earlier today. There is no doubt he was committed to those he served over the last 37 years. He was also a veteran of the U.S Army, and served in Vietnam. His shoes will be impossible to fill. twitter.com/TaylorLongNews" on Feb. 22Read on Twitter
"Banned for pointing out liberal hypocrisy, using real screenshots. twitter.com/redsteeze/stat" on Feb. 16Read on Twitter
"Johnson visits Gallia, Meigs@gd_trib @td_sentinel mydailytribune.com/news/70392/joh" on Feb. 16Read on Twitter